About Us
Owners: Jessica & Chris Scott
Baking was never my favorite hobby over the years, but when I was given the opportunity to make things for our church’s bake sale and our treats for first responders, I found out I really did like it. On October 19 2012, SugarDumplin’s Cupcakes launched its Facebook business page and the fun began. Working out of our home, we filled orders from our page and met customers at Luigi’s parking lot. After many months searching, waiting, and praying, SugarDumplin’s Cupcakes opened our storefront on March 27, 2014 at our current location in Bryant, AR. When we first opened we had 1500sq feet of space, offered 10-12 flavors of cupcakes and 4-6 flavors of cookies daily. Now we have 3000sq feet of space and offer 30+ flavors of cupcakes, 6-9 flavors of cookies, cinnamon rolls, brownies, cookie cakes, mini cheesecakes, and specialty cakes daily. When we first opened Chris had a full time job and helped before and after work. Our middle daughter, Emily, helped after school, otherwise it was only me (Jessica). After the first 6 months we knew it was going to need more. Chris left is full time job and we dove in head first with lots of prayers we put all our eggs in one basket. After awhile we hired a few part time helpers here and there, and our youngest daughter Anna joined in the family biz. After a few years Emily moved on to her own business, and Anna became full time and after Anna got married her husband Aaron became part of our family and business.
As a family we serve in several ministries at FPB and have passion for foster children and abused women and children. When we first started we sought the blessings of God to give back to those that needed it the most in our community. Our main charities that we support are Second Chance Youth Ranch & Saline County Safe Haven. We also love dropping off goodies to our first responders at the police, fire stations, and hospitals.
As business owners we have seen so many ups and downs, but through it all God has been by our side. Many of our friends and family at First Pentecostals of Benton, have supported us with business and lots of prayers. We couldn’t have done it with out them, our faithful customers, and the grace of God.
In 2020, we experienced like several others the pandemic that changed our world. We had to close for several weeks, then opened back up only 2 days a week then finally back to 4 days a week. We had to adjust to different routines of customer flow, individually packaging things, smaller wedding events & birthday events, and loss of revenue. We lived day by day like so many, but thankfully with lots of prayer and God’s grace we have made it through. And 7 years in we are looking forward to many years to come.